In 1976, Eve et
Crasse founded Le Ludion company, for gathering their
common passion in automatas and mechanical
They restored and
marketed rare
collectibles, and began a fine private collection.
To show out this part of their activities, we published a virtual
museum, and an important
library of old documents.
Of course, you
can have an idea of what happens in the wonderful world of
Mechanical Musical Instruments on wiewing our
met a lot of wonderful people, entertainers, showmen and
women, magicians, singers and organ grinders you can find in
"la Galerue" gallery about street artists...

de la Musique Mécanique" Society
2 rue Fermat . F - 31000 TOULOUSE
Tel +33 (0) 561 528 602
+33 (0) 561 528 616
Mobile +33 (0) 607 624 394
Webmaster : Philippe Crasse